
About us

A more personal way to get into the best shape of your life

It’s time to discover that your body is more powerful and capable than you ever thought possible – time to honour your body by moving and eating in ways that give you confidence and freedom. That’s the promise of Best10 and we’re here to help you make it a reality.

James White Profile

Meet James White

Best10 cofounder and head coach

James is a highly experienced coach and trainer who spent many years helping Hollywood celebrities prepare for film roles and running gyms all across the world. James brings all that knowledge and experience to the nutrition and training approaches on Best 10.

For James, a good coach isn’t just technically qualified. There are many trainers out there who can put together an exercise plan, take you through the motions, and tell you what you eat. Truthfully, if that process worked for everyone, we’d all be fit, active and living in great health. Lasting change happens when coaches have a fierce love for elevating the people they work with, helping them make good decisions by demonstrating empathy and understanding at every step of the journey.

I’ve seen first-hand how the body is the most tangible way to change your life. What you do with your body ripples into your self-perception, your sense of confidence , and how you “move” through your life. 

Kate Grove Profile

When you have a complicated and fraught relationship with food and your own body, you’ll be compelled to exercise and eat healthy but it will always feel like a resentment. You’ll use phrases like “eating less”, “calorie counting” and “no carbs allowed” but you’ll never see lasting results. At Best10, we want to change that.

Meet Kate Grové

Best10 cofounder

For many years, Kate thought about exercise the way many of us do: as a kind of penance for over-indulgence. Every minute on the treadmill was a punishment for not being perfect, not matter how hard you tried.

For Kate, the mental shift comes as you start to appreciate what your body can do instead of what it can’t. When you flip the script in your head, an eating plan isn’t a deprivation it’s a form of nourishment. And exercise isn’t about fixating on centimetres and kilograms but is a way of gaining greater strength and energy. Through Best10, Kate wants to help people repair their relationship with their body, to focus on loving and cherishing it – appreciating all the ways in which it supports them. It takes time, but the journey is life changing.

Little known fact: Kate is also James’ twin sister

Ready to change your life?