
Is a longer workout session always better? Our Best10 Head Coach weighs in.

“But, I don’t have time!”


This may be the number one justification we’ve heard when it comes to not exercising. We get it. Really, we do. With work deadlines, kids’ homework and keeping up with your favourite series, exercise may not be the main priority. 


Luckily, we’re here to help. Ready for the good news?


Shorter workouts can be just as beneficial as longer workouts

Let’s get into the science of it. Research shows that 30 – 45 minute workouts are optimal for sustained weight loss. 


A 2011 study by researchers at the National Library of Medicine found that exercising intensely for 45 minutes resulted in high levels of post exercise energy expenditure that lasted over 12 hours which has implications for weight loss and management. 


So, what does this actually mean? Our Head Coach, Frik Muller, breaks it down:


“If you work hard enough, a 45 minute session is more than enough time to complete a really effective workout to build muscle and strip fat. The emphasis should be placed on the intensity of the session and not the duration.” 


“There is ample time to plan your day and make sure you “HIIT” your fitness goals, however, you can’t expect to do a low intensity workout everyday and see results. 


When you do a 45 minute session, you’ll want to workout anywhere between 60-80% of your maximum heart rate for the duration of your workout, to ensure you get the maximum benefit of your time spent training”,  he adds.

What is the most effective way to workout - when you’re short on time?

Not all quick workouts are created equal – so, let’s hear it for HIIT!


Frik explains: “High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) is a system of exercises that relies on repeated cycles of short bursts of really intense work during which a person’s heart rate reaches at least 80% of its maximum capacity followed by short periods of low intensity work or rest.”


So, why does it work? “This allows the body to clear the lactic acid from the blood and in the process helps the body recover just enough to perform another high-intensity exercise”, he adds. 


According to the head coach, studies have shown that people who regularly incorporate HIIT into their workout routine can burn more calories than those who rely on moderate cardio. 


This is especially important to someone who wants to lose weight while improving their overall fitness – as the fat-burning effects of HIIT last long after the workout is over.